14 Ways To Naturally Detoxify Your Body From Toxins Every Day

Do you need a detox? Are you tempted to buy detox pills, potions, and teas that guarantee ultimate health? Then hold on! Your kidneys, liver, skin, and bladder are pretty much capable of throwing out toxins on their own. They definitely don’t need artificial chemicals that overburden them. You need simpler solutions.

Let’s discuss 14 healthy ways to detox your body every day. How important is dry brushing for your skin? Does intermittent fasting help? We are discussing all that and more… 

Let’s start with the simplest of ways.

When was the last time you clocked a good 8 hours of Sleep?


Are those wild deadlines at work or unending household chores robbing you of your precious snooze time? It’s time to prioritize your sleep! 

Sleep is often underestimated as something important. But remember it is a luxury that your body needs. It can alter your body functions and increase your performance. Lack of sleep can reduce your muscle strength, put you in a bad mood, and give you headaches. It is even associated with increasing your weight. According to a study scientists found that sleep could clear the damaging effects of molecules associated with neurodegeneration. You will be in better shape when your brain is clear of toxins and well-rested. 

Next, let’s focus on what to eat.

Are you getting enough Antioxidants? 

Antioxidants can bring so much goodness to the table. They are generally found in colorful fruits, cruciferous vegetables, berries of all kinds, soy, garlic, and spices like turmeric. 

Studies have shown frequent consumption of these foods can assist the toxin biotransformation and subsequent elimination from your body. These compounds negate the effects of free radicals on your body. Thereby safeguarding you from diseases. Antioxidant-rich foods can prevent cholesterol deposits for fatty liver disease and help your liver to function optimally. 

Pick up some fruits whenever you crave sweets. Eat freshly prepared salads at every meal. You can even make smoothies by blending fruits and vegetables of your choice to guzzle up some antioxidants. 

Additionally, make sure you have a good dose of Anti- Inflammatory Foods. 

Processed foods, dairy, sugar, and red meat can cause inflammation in your body. Foods like ginger, turmeric, fatty fish and even dark chocolate can be super powerful to combat these harmful effects. It’s better to go in your kitchen and load up on these amazing foods than to go to your medicine cabinet searching for a painkiller.

Can Hydration impact your detoxification? 

Yes! Of course!

You should drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water every day. It’s essential to sustain life. Your body is made up of more than 60% H2O. Water takes part in every tiny process that goes on inside your body. It promotes better blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, keeps you away from constipation and digestive issues, and strengthens immunity. 

If you are dehydrated for a long time it may lead to kidney stones and many other problems. So drink enough water and let those kidneys function to their full capacity. Water also helps to clear urinary tract and bladder infections. 

If you’re tired of drinking plain water with a few ice cubes try sipping some warm water. Squeeze a lemon in it or infuse it with other herbs to get added benefits. 

Do you meet your daily requirement for Fiber

Most of us don’t. 

Women require 21 to 25 grams of fiber every day while men should eat 32 to 38 grams. Whole grains like amaranth, black rice, bulgur, buckwheat, and kamut are the top grain sources to get more fiber. A lot of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, lentils, millets, and oats can be a game-changer in your overall health. 

Fiber is essential to keep your gut clean. It promotes healthy bowel movements that push out toxins and waste from your colon. If you skip fiber-rich foods then the waste products may not be removed properly and could lead to the reabsorption of toxins that were about to get flushed out.

As long as we are on the topic of the gut, try eating lots of Probiotics

There’s a whole range of fermented foods that contain natural probiotics. Squeeze some sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, and natto in your daily diet. If all this seems difficult then simply add yogurt to your breakfast bowls or smoothies. 

Probiotics keep your gut bacteria healthy and prevent gastrointestinal issues. Studies have shown that live bacteria from probiotics bind with harmful chemicals and heavy metals. Heavy metal poisoning is serious. It can be due to the mixing of heavy metals in the soil that gets absorbed by plants and reaches your food. They can mix with water that is taken up by fish or simply get mixed in the air that you breathe too. Some probiotics eliminate aluminum, cadmium, lead, and arsenic. 

Moving along, have you tried Dry Brushing your skin? 

This is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that has been practiced for centuries. All you need is just a brush with coarse bristles. Remember to choose natural fibers only. 

Before we go ahead, you need to know about another thing called the lymphatic system. It drains all the fluids and toxins in the lymph nodes. You might have experienced painful swollen nodules near your throat when you have a cold. It is your body’s way of responding to infections. Lymph nodes are situated in various parts of the body. 

It is believed that when you practice dry brushing regularly it might improve the lymphatic drainage. Just start brushing your feet in light circular strokes and gradually move your way upwards. Dry brushing can exfoliate the dead skin, open up your pores and make it easier for your body to sweat. Not to mention how relaxing the entire process feels. It can also reduce the appearance of cellulite. Give it a try you’ll definitely feel re-energized. 

Here’s another detox for your skin, Physical Activity.

Mild aerobic exercise for 20 minutes will promote better breathing. This will improve circulation and release toxins from your lungs. When you sweat your skin excretes unwanted products with it. Studies also prove that endurance training and exercise have an antioxidant effect on your liver. 

If hitting the gym seems like too much of a task then begin with something simple. Try mild stretching or walking and then build up your endurance. It will help to improve your flexibility, tone your muscles, improve concentration and lift your mood. So keep sweating it out, folks. 

Another thing you might want to do is Cut Back On Alcohol.


When you are aiming to improve the functionality of your liver, alcohol can pull you back. About 10 to 12% of Americans are heavy drinkers. 

Every sip of that beer or hard liquor goes through your liver. It has a tough time breaking down alcohol. It can push through mild alcohol consumption. But excessive alcohol won’t be well tolerated. It can cause accumulation of fat in the liver cells and cause cirrhosis ultimately leading to failure. This could be life-threatening, too. 

It’s about time you give Tongue Scraping a shot. 

Your tongue is the hot spot for all the bacteria in your mouth. The tiny depressions on it can lodge in food particles. If they are not cleaned timely the food starts rotting. It not only gives you bad breath but increases the bacterial load in your mouth. Also if you have been sick lately your tongue will hold onto the disease-causing germs and reduce your overall immunity.

Use a tongue cleaner to gently clean your tongue. Do it twice a day to get the best results. Be very gentle and make sure you’re not slicing your taste buds. After your tongue is clean you will be able to taste better. 

You are going to love the next one. 


Massages can relax, revive and heal your body.

Research says that stimulating certain pressure points can enhance neural activity and reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone and is released by the brain when you get into tense situations. Massages can calm your nervous system, get rid of cramps and spasms, and promote an overall sense of well-being. 

They also can reverse the negative effects of sleep deprivation and help you to get sound sleep. Go for professional massage therapy to soothe tension. 

Don’t shy away from trying a mental detox. 


Take a crack at Aromatherapy.

The essential oils when inhaled have a therapeutic effect. You might have noticed how a typical smell transports you back to a fond memory. This means powerful aromas can control your brain and emotions.  So relax  and let the aroma diffuser calm you down.


Hydrotherapy might also be worth a try.

Cold and hot water plunges, mineral baths, sauna and steam baths have proved beneficial in reducing pain inflammation and boosting mental health. This therapy is also used in children as well as older individuals. 

Lastly, it’s important to know what and when to eat, and when to stop for an effective detox. 


Intermittent Fasting is all the rage in the fitness world. 

It includes voluntary abstinence from food and drink for a few hours followed by a period of eating. Studies show that it could reduce 3 to 8% of body weight in a period of 3 to 24 weeks. It regulates your metabolic rate and reduces your chances of type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. 


If you have unhealthy eating habits then your liver and kidneys will be overdue for a natural cleanse.

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