This Is What Happens When You Eat Rosemary Every Day

Have you ever tried rosemary chicken and lamb? Rosemary tastes so good with your recipes. On top of that, this evergreen herb offers so many health benefits. Rosemary is a close cousin of oregano, basil, and thyme. It is, in fact, a good source of vitamin B6, iron, and calcium. Rosemary is used by several cultures in their traditional cooking. 

Today we’ll be discussing what happens when you eat rosemary. Can it work as a pain reliever? What about its impact on your blood circulation and hair growth? We’ll talk about all of these AND more…

Find relief from pain by eating rosemary.

Are you always getting shoulder pain? Try including rosemary in your diet. This herb has unique pain-relieving properties. 

Rosemary has been used as a pain reliever in folk medicine for quite some time now. But it’s not just a traditional medicine anymore. Research has shown that it could actually help relieve pain under certain circumstances.

A two week study was conducted on stroke survivors who had shoulder pain. The group that was given a rosemary oil blend along with their acupressure two times every day for 20 minutes had a 30% reduction in pain. The group that was given only the acupressure had just a 15% reduction.

There was another study comparing rosemary oil with acetaminophen (uh·see·tuh·mi·nuh·fn), a painkiller that can be purchased over the counter. Results from the study stated that rosemary oil was a little more effective than the medication.

So, the next time you’re bothered by menstrual cramps or shoulder pain, try rosemary oil. You’ll be thanking us later. 

Rosemary can help improve blood circulation in your body.

Healthy blood circulation is very important for your health. When you have poor circulation, you will feel it in your hands and feet. Your fingers and toes tend to become cold even though the temperature of your environment is warm. In these cases, rosemary oil can prove to be helpful.

One study was conducted on a woman who had Raynaud’s (Rayo-NOHZ) disease, which causes impairment in blood circulation. The woman found that massaging her fingers with rosemary oil made them much warmer compared to a neutral oil. The results were also confirmed using the help of thermal imaging.

When you have Raynaud’s disease, the blood vessels present in your fingers and toes become constricted. This usually happens when you’re feeling cold or stressed.

Rosemary oil helps circulation by expanding the blood vessels. Doing this would warm your blood, making it so much easier to reach the fingers and toes.

Improve your hair growth with rosemary oil.

We all want thick healthy hair. But poor diet, pollution, health issues, and other factors can significantly impact the health of your hair. So many people complain about falling, dull or dry hair. 

Male pattern baldness is also quite common among middle-aged men. Despite what the name suggests, it’s not unique to just men. Women can also be affected by the condition.

This condition occurs because a byproduct of testosterone is wreaking havoc on your hair follicles. If you apply rosemary oil, it can help stop this byproduct from destroying the follicles.

A study among men was conducted where one group was given rosemary oil and the other was given a common hair growth remedy. Both groups had their oils applied on their scalps two times every day for six months. The group that was given rosemary oil had the same increase in hair as the group with hair growth remedy.

There were other benefits of using rosemary oil. The group that used the rosemary had much less scalp itching compared to the group that used the hair growth remedy.

There was another study conducted that showed rosemary oil can deal with patchy hair loss as well. Applying the rosemary oil every day for seven months improved their hair loss condition by 44%. The control group only saw a 15% increase.

In short, rosemary oil can be super good for your hair. Apply it once or twice a week for the right results. 

Rosemary helps bring your stress levels down.

Stress, especially chronic stress, isn’t good for you at all. It can give you a number of health issues like hypertension, diabetes and anxiety. 

Stress can be caused by several issues. If you’re writing an exam, or you have an important interview, it can increase your anxiety levels. Rosemary oil can bring down this anxiety and stress.

A study was conducted among nursing students who were given rosemary oil before and during a test. Their pulse rate reduced by around 9% when they were given the oil. A decrease in pulse rate means a reduction in stress and anxiety.

In another study, two groups of people were asked to sniff rosemary oil along with a non-aromatic compound for around 5 minutes. The group that sniffed rosemary oil had around 23% less cortisol in their saliva compared to the control group.

An increase in cortisol levels means you will have problems with your immune system. It can also cause mood swings and result in insomnia. Rosemary oil can help address this by reducing your stress hormones.

Don’t like rosemary oil? Well, you can try rosemary herbal tea instead. It’s deliciously refreshing and calms you down. Wondering how to make rosemary tea? Well, it’s simple. 

All you need to do is boil 10 ounces of water. Add 1 teaspoon of loose rosemary leaves to the hot water once it’s boiled. You can also put rosemary leaves inside a tea infuser and let it steep for ten minutes. If you like extra flavor, let the leaves steep a little longer. 

Remove the tea infuser. If you were using loose tea leaves, strain them using a mesh strainer with small holes. Throw away the used rosemary leaves. Pour the tea into a cup and enjoy it hot. You can also add a little honey and lemon juice for extra flavor. 

Reduce joint inflammation with the help of rosemary.

Tissue inflammation can be a painful condition. It leads to swelling, stiffness, and pain, especially if you’re suffering from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. This is where the body’s own immune system attacks tissues and causes inflammation.

There is evidence to suggest that rosemary oil can help reduce inflammation. When white blood cells move to the affected tissue area, they release chemicals that cause inflammation. Rosemary oil can restrict the flow of these white blood cells to the affected areas.

In one study among people with rheumatoid arthritis, participants were given knee messages for 15 minutes using rosemary oil. These massages were given three times a day for two weeks. Results of the study showed the group that was given rosemary oil had a 50% reduction in inflammation compared with the 12% reduction in the group that didn’t get it. 

Say hello to a healthy brain with rosemary. 

Want to naturally improve your attention span and memory? Rosemary is the answer! 

Rosemary has been used in traditional medicine to help improve memory. It was commonly used in ancient Rome and Greece.

Breathing in rosemary oil can help stop the breakdown of acetylcholine (uh·see·tuhl·koh·leen). This is a chemical that plays a key role in important brain functions such as memory, thinking, and concentration.

A study was conducted among 20 young adults. They were in a small room where rosemary oil was diffused. The participants were asked math questions.

Results showed that the speed and accuracy of their answers increased the longer the rosemary oil was diffused in the room. Their blood levels also showed an increase in rosemary-related compounds. This also proved that rosemary can get in your blood just from breathing.

Another study was conducted among nursing students. The group that was given rosemary oil to inhale reported that they were able to concentrate better and recall information easily compared to the groups that were given lavender oil, or no oil at all.

Research has also indicated that breathing rosemary oil can improve brain functionality among adults suffering from dementia. This can even include people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Rosemary can help repel bugs and insects.

If you’re outdoors, there’s a high chance you may come in contact with harmful insects. These insects can also infest your garden. You wouldn’t want these harmful bugs to bite you. 

Rosemary oil could help you in this scenario. In fact, rosemary oil could be a better option compared to chemical products.

In one study, EcoTrol, a pesticide with rosemary oil, was sprayed on tomato plants in a greenhouse. The results showed the population of two-spotted spider mites reduced by as much as 52%. It also didn’t do any harm to the plants.

Some blood-sucking insects could end up spreading harmful viruses and bacteria. Rosemary oil can help repel these insects.

In one study, rosemary oil was examined along with 11 essential oils. It was seen that rosemary oil had the highest repellent effect on mosquitoes responsible for spreading the Zika virus. The rosemary oil, with a dilution of about 12%, was able to repel all the mosquitoes for a period of 90 minutes.

Similarly, in another study, a spray that had 10% rosemary oil was effective against black-legged ticks. These ticks cause Lyme disease. The spray was fully effective against the ticks.

Rosemary is rich in antioxidants

Rosemary tea has certain compounds with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These properties have polyphenolic compounds like rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid to thank. Rosemary tea can also protect you from infections, thanks to its antimicrobial properties. 

Lower your blood sugar with rosemary.

High blood sugar can be detrimental to your health in the long term. If it’s left untreated, it can damage your kidneys, eyes, heart and nervous system. 

If you want to live a long and healthy life, you have to keep your blood sugar levels in check. Rosemary tea can help you lower your blood sugar levels. 

Rosemary tea has compounds that increase the absorption of glucose into your muscle cells. This lowers your blood sugar levels and keeps you healthy.

There’s no doubt rosemary oil and rosemary herbal tea are great for your well-being.

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