25 Design Fails That Didn’t Just Miss The Mark, They Decided To Ignore It

“No, no. no, no, NO!”

Jacques L’Haricot, famed fashion designer and total man’s man, brushes off yet another cruddy design. He lights up a Texas Lancero, biggest of cigars and rubs the bridge of his scarred, sun-scarred nose. “Can’t ANYONE in this effin’ company deliver me something worth a shoot!” he says, slamming his calloused, hammer-like fist down onto the table. You gulp hard and lift up your hand.

Jacques points you out with a mighty finger. “YOU” he says, sternly “whaddaya got?”. A long river of smoke cascades in your direction, causing you to cough like the wiener you are. “Well” you begin “I don’t have any new ideas, but I do have 25 Design Fails That Didn’t Just Miss The Mark, They Decided To Ignore It.

1. These minimalist playing cards just look stupid. Jacques rolls his eyes. “How is THAT supposed to help us find new ideas”. You shrug, not really able to answer that question. What you DO know is that these playing cards are minimalist and lame. Which you say and Jacques shakes his head at you.

2. What is this? A facemask for ANTS? “But what about THIS?” you ask, shoving your phone in his face “This facemask is way too small for a human face! What do you think of THAT?”. Jacques looks at you and squints. “You’re right” he finally says “Go on…”

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