13 Superfoods For A Healthy Prostate

Eating superfoods has multiple benefits. But did you know making smart food choices can benefit your prostate too? The prostate is a walnut-sized gland situated between the bladder and urethra that is crucial for male reproduction. It is estimated by 2022 around 270,000 men will have prostate cancer in the United States alone. That’s why it is never too late to prioritize prostate health. 

Today we’ll be discussing superfoods for a healthy prostate. Should you be eating avocados? What about tempeh and pomegranate juice? We’re discussing all that and more. 


Firstly, eat tomatoes.

Do you love salad? Then make it a point to add lots of tomatoes. They are very hydrating and a rich source of vitamin C. This summer favorite is rich in lycopene, a compound that can fight prostate cancer. It is even beneficial for lowering the risk of benign prostate hyperplasia. A review found lycopene acted as an antioxidant and slowed down cancer cell production in men who ate more tomatoes. 

Want to ramp up the absorption of lycopene further? Then eat cooked tomatoes. Also adding a dash of olive oil will enhance its absorption. The easiest way to load up on tomatoes is tomato soup, juice, and sauce. You can also add sun-dried tomatoes to your sandwiches, pasta, or pizza. 


Next, put onions and garlic on your shopping list.

Use these stars of the allium family to punch up everything from chicken, to salad and sides. They are a staple in many kitchens. The medicinal properties of these foods have been recognized since ancient times. They are packed with flavonoids and antioxidants. They also contain organosulfur and phytochemicals that have a protective effect on your system. These are the same chemicals that give you bad breath. But that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying these foods. 

Research has found men who eat onions, garlic, scallions, chives, and leeks regularly have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Their pungent spicy flavor can make your food taste delicious. 


Up next is green tea.


This tea is all the rage. It’s perfect for winter days as it instantly boosts your energy levels and mood. It improves mental focus and gives amazing weight loss benefits. Green tea has been an extraordinary addition to drinks as well as desserts and cosmetics. 

EGCG is an antioxidant that empowers this tea. A study found men with elevated prostate risk have reduced cancer incidence just by drinking green tea. You can safely have 3 to 4 cups every day. If you are bored of the regular stuff, try out organic pure matcha green tea. It’s equally nutritious. To make it more authentic, get a bamboo whisk and follow the traditional method of matcha making. Its vibrant color makes it extra appetizing. Isn’t this everything that you would want in a cup of tea? 


Moving along, throw in some broccoli

There is a lot to love about this vegetable. This superfood can lower bad cholesterol and boost cardiovascular health, improve digestion, and relieve constipation. It belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts. It is rich in antioxidants as well as ,and Vitamin C. 

Vitamin C can reduce the risk of cancer on its own. A study found men who have more than three servings of cruciferous vegetables per week experienced a 41% reduction in the development of prostate cancer. You can roast broccoli florets or enjoy them baked in a sauce. Sulforaphane is another phytochemical that increases its anticancer potential. 


Want more Greens? How about avocados

If you are a fussy eater then broccoli might not be your first pic. But avocados can definitely be a tasty alternative. They are a powerhouse of healthy fats. Avocado toast needs no introduction. It’s a perfect balance of deliciousness and healthy nutrients. Avocado is also a star of dipping sauces, smoothies, salads, and wraps. 

Beta-sitosterol, a bioactive plant compound present in avocados can reduce the symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia. Another compound called lutein also can fight cancer successfully. Studies suggest these compounds not only stop the progression but also the formation of new cancer cells. 


How often do you eat tempeh

Tempeh is a patty or a cake of fermented soybeans. It is the traditional food of Indonesia. You can cook up a storm with this ingredient in your kitchen. It’s perfect for salads, sandwiches, burgers, you name it! It has a nutty and earthy flavor similar to mushrooms. 

Since it is a rich source of isoflavones it can lower the growth of prostate cancer cells and improve symptoms of other prostate problems. It’s a great source of plant-based protein and aids digestion. People following a vegan diet are known to have 35% lower risk of prostate cancer. You can also add other soy products like tofu and edamame to your diet for cancer protection. 

Never skip legumes and beans

Swap red meat with veggie patties. They will generally be made of beans and lentils. You can also add them to your salads, burritos, and soups. Kidney beans, black beans, peanuts, and lentils belong to the legume family. 

They have phytoestrogens that can reduce your risk of prostate cancer by almost 20%. It could reduce a protein called PSA, usually detected while screening for cancer. Mung beans are also a holistic addition to your diet. They are low in fat and have a healthy balance of protein and fiber. It will keep you fuller for longer. You can also try cooking chili at home without meat. Make sure you have lots of beans, tomatoes, onions, and garlic.


Ready for a drink? Think pomegranate juice

This rich red juice is considered healthy for a reason. It is jam-packed with vitamin A, C, E, and Folic acid. It has antiviral and antioxidant properties as well. Pomegranate is considered a superfruit as it reduces chronic oxidative stress. This juice can be excellent for immunity. It helps to fight type 2 diabetes, keeps blood pressure under control, smoothens digestion, and makes your skin glow like never before.

The bioactive compounds present in it can cease the growth potential of prostate cancer cells. You can buy a juicer and make it at home from pomegranate seeds. If you find it too tedious then simply pick up a packed juice box from your nearest grocery store. You can always dilute it with water and other juices to make it even more flavourful. Alternatively, you could also add pomegranate seeds to your smoothie bowls and munch on them when you feel like snacking. 


Craving for fish? Have fatty fish

Z Omega 3 fatty acid keeps your heart healthy. Fatty fish also contain EPA and DHA which have shown to reduce inflammation and blood pressure. 

You can have two servings of Omega-rich fatty fish every week. Doctors generally advise cutting down on animal fat to safeguard your prostate health. But fish rich in Omega 3 is an exception. Eating high amounts of omega 3 rich fish can lower the risk of prostate cancer. If you have an option, go for the wild-caught variety rather than the farmed fish. 


Want to satisfy that afternoon grumble? Try Pumpkin seeds

Lightly toasted pumpkin seeds are a delight. Have a handful of those and get truck loads of immunity-boosting Vitamin C, zinc, and other minerals. Zinc is essential to maintain cell functions of the prostate and maintain DNA integrity. If your diet lacks this mineral it may cause benign prostate hyperplasia. 

Additionally, another compound called cucurbitacin is a powerful anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory compound found in pumpkin seeds. Don’t forget to add the roasted pumpkin seeds to a bowl of tasty soup or your trail mix. 


Do you enjoy watermelon

This fruit is perfect for summer when you’re craving something light and refreshing. This extremely hydrating fruit can be used in salads, juices, or enjoyed as it is. You can use a mixture of lime juice, scallions, feta cheese, mint leaves, and a drizzle of olive oil to dress your watermelon salad. It’s guaranteed to be on repeat all summer in your kitchen.

Lycopene, the same compound that gives color to tomatoes, gives watermelons their bright red color. One cup of watermelon contains about 9 to 13 mg of lycopene. This makes watermelon an anti-prostate cancer superfruit. You can also eat apricots, guava, papaya, and pink grapefruit to load up on lycopene. 


Time to go nuts over nuts

Squeeze in a handful of mixed nuts every day in your diet. Add pine nuts to your pesto sauce or have almond butter over your toast. Add them to your baked goodies and milkshake, they are just versatile.

Pecans, almonds, and walnuts are great sources of vitamin E and proteins. Brazil nuts on the other hand have a unique mineral, selenium that boosts muscle activity, brain functions, and heart health. Researchers believe that adding olive oil with Selenium can boost prostate health and fight cancer. The research is still in its nascent stage and requires further research. 


Last but not the least, eat berries. 

Bright strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries can be a nutrient-dense addition to your diet. Freeze them when they are in season to enjoy them all year round. You can also make berry popsicles with 2 cups of mixed frozen berries, one tablespoon of agave nectar, 1 cup of almond milk, and 2 frozen bananas. Blend all these ingredients and pour them into popsicle molds, freeze until solid and enjoy a burst of flavors. They are the best sources of minerals like potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and A. Vitamin C from berries reduces swelling of the prostate gland and promotes urination. 


Men and women have different dietary needs. That’s why your diet should be customized based on your gender.

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