5 Best Foods You Can Eat To Help You Feel Fuller!

Hey there! Trying to lose weight? Well, it can be tricky. Especially when food cravings haunt you day and night. We all have been victims of unexplained hunger that rears its ugly head even after you just had a hearty meal an hour ago.

Think about it: losing weight would be so much easier if there were ways to curb this insatiable hunger! What’s better than eating healthy food that suppresses your appetite and kills your cravings? Well, today we’re focusing exactly on that. We’ll discuss foods that reduce your appetite.

From oatmeal to eggs, we’ll talk about all of these AND more…

Let’s Begin The Discussion By Talking About Eggs.

Have you ever wondered why eggs take the top spot in every list of healthy foods to lose weight? Whether you’re talking about protein or satiating hunger, eggs will most definitely receive a mention.

Eggs are healthy food and full of nutrients. It has all the important vitamins as well as folate and selenium. One large-boiled egg also gives you 5 grams of healthy fats and 77 calories.

More importantly, eggs are a great way to give your body some high-quality protein. One large egg can give you as much as 7 grams of protein. It also gives you all nine essential amino acids.

Eggs also rank high on the satiety index. This means eggs are perfect if you want to reduce the hunger pangs between snacks. If you want to reduce your appetite greatly, then eggs can help you do that.

In one study, two groups were given different types of breakfast. One group ate eggs and toast for breakfast while the other group had cereal with milk and juice. It was seen that people who ate eggs and toast were a lot less hungry and ate fewer calories in the following meal compared with other group,

Another study was conducted to see how people made their food choices based on their breakfast. It was seen that those who ate a breakfast that was high on protein, such as eggs and beef, were a lot fuller and made better food choices.

Along with helping in reducing your appetite, eggs have other incredible benefits. They hae choline, which is a nutrient that most people don’t get enough from their daily food intake. Choline helps in building cell membranes and has other vital functions such as generating signaling molecules for the brain.

Eggs also have important antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants can help counteract the consequences of aging on your eyesight. They help reduce the chances of cataracts and macular degeneration.

If you are thinking about incorporating eggs into your weight loss diet, remember how you cook them matters. Boiled, poached, and scrambled eggs are healthier options as compared to omelets cooked in butter or egg curry.

Number Two On Our List Is Oatmeal.

Bored of eating eggs for breakfast? Try oatmeal instead. It’s healthy, delicious, and fulfilling. Oatmeal is a popular breakfast choice. It is prepared by boiling the oats in either water or milk, depending on your preference. Oats are a great food to help reduce your appetite.

Oats come packed with important nutrients such as manganese, phosphorus, copper, and iron. One cup of oats comes with only 303 calories, making it a healthy meal.

But more importantly, the same cup of oats also gives you 13 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber. This ensures that you don’t feel hungry between meals. It also comes with 51 grams of carbs and 5 grams of fat, making it the perfect food to reduce your appetite.

Oatmeal ranks third overall in the satiety index. This means oatmeal is one of the best options to have if you’re looking to bring down your appetite levels.

In one study, a group was given oatmeal as breakfast while the other group was given read-to-eat cereal. The group that had oatmeal reported being fuller and much less hungry compared with the other group. The oatmeal group also had a lot fewer calories during lunch.

One of the main reasons for oatmeal’s high satiety levels is because of the fiber content in it. Oats have beta-glucan, which is a soluble fiber that can make sure you feel full for a longer duration. This fiber also helps in making sure there is a delay in your body’s efforts to empty your stomach.

While oatmeal can help in reducing your appetite, they are also beneficial in controlling your blood sugar levels. Eating oatmeal regularly can also help reduce the chances of childhood asthma. It also relieves constipation, especially in older adults.

Wait, there’s more. You can make your oatmeal bowl even healthier by topping it up with antioxidant-rich fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries. Roasted almonds, pecans, and walnuts also make a wonderful addition.

Another Way To Reduce Your Appetite Is By Opting For Soups

Soups are delicious and fulfilling! They’re healthy too. Of course, you cannot eat eggs and oatmeal all the time. And to be honest, they are good for breakfast but not as appealing for dinner. This is where soups can save the day!

Usually, when you have something liquid as part of your meal, you ten to believe it would be a lot less filling. This is especially the case when you compare it with solid foods. But soups are a different case altogether.

In fact, research has shown that soups can be even more filling than solid foods made from the same ingredients. In a study, groups of participants were divided by giving them solid food, smooth soup made form a food processor, or chunky soup. The participants were then measured for how full they felt and how soon the food left their stomachs.

The results showed the participants that had the smooth soup had the highest feeling of fullness while their stomach emptied a lot more slowly. The second among the groups was the one that ate the chunky soup. The group that ate solid food turned up last.

A bowl of soup is one of the quickest ways to make yourself some tasty food. At the same time, it also adds important nutrients to your diet. You can add a few vegetables to the soup to make sure you’re getting a well-rounded meal.

Soups also help you lose weight. In one study, it was seen that people who had soup also reduced their calorie intake for the rest of the day. Soup helps in reducing your hunger pangs and makes sure your stomach feels full for a much longer time compared with solid foods.

The best part is you have so many soup options to try. Tomato soup is great but have you tried mushroom soup? It’s delicious! You can also try broccoli soup, drumstick soup, and clear vegetable soup. Craving for something extra? Go for man chow soup!

You Can Also Try Greek Yogurt To Satiate Your Hunger

Greek yogurt is another great option to have for breakfast. It is also used as an afternoon snack in order to help in filling your stomach between meals. Eating Greek yogurt is a better way to snack between meals compared with other high-calorie options.

Greek yogurt differs a bit from regular yogurt. Greek yogurt is much thicker compared to regular yogurt, and also has higher amounts of protein. If you eat 200 grams of Greek yogurt, you will get as much as 20 grams of protein from it.

It also has other important nutrients, such as important vitamins as well as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and selenium. Considering it also gives nearly 8 grams of carbs and almost 4 grams of fat, Greek yogurt plays an important role in reducing your appetite.

In one study, three groups of women were given yogurt. The yogurt had the same amount of calories but varied in how much protein there was in it. The group that had the yogurt with the highest protein content fell full the longest and were a lot less hungry.

Greek yogurt has other benefits as well. It’s good for your bone health, due to the presence of protein, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. Greek yogurt can also help with bone formation.

Greek yogurt is also beneficial for your gut health. It improves your digestive system and reduces the chances of conditions such as constipation. It also helps in promoting healthy body weight due to the presence of proteins.

Don’t like eating plain yogurt? Why don’t you try making lip-smacking smoothies with it? Blend Greek yogurt with fruits like strawberries, blueberries, or mango and you have a delicious healthy smoothie ready for you. It’s a great breakfast option as well. Consider topping your smoothies with nuts like almonds and walnuts. You’ll make your smoothie even better and healthier. 

Last On Our List Is Nuts

Craving for a light snack that would fill you up till the next meal? Try munching on nuts. Almonds and walnuts are packed with high energy as well as nutrients. They are high in protein and can be very filling when eaten as a snack.

Eating just one bowl of nuts can give you as much as 5 grams of protein and 16 grams of fat. You also get 6 grams of carbs and 3 grams of fiber. Nuts have other important nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, copper, manganese, and selenium.

If you’re feeling snacky between meals, eating nuts is the best way to reduce the feeling. It’s not just about how many nuts you eat, though. It’s also important to chew them properly.

In one study, it was seen that chewing almonds 40 times had a greater impact on reducing hunger. This was compared with how full participants felt when they chewed the almonds between 10 and 25 times, which was significantly lesser.

Chewing almonds thoroughly can reduce hunger levels. This is because the hormones that regulate appetite will signal higher levels of satiety.

Eating nuts regularly can also help in bringing down your cholesterol levels. They also help in bringing down the levels of oxidative stress in your body. Oxidative stress is bad for your health and can give you a number of health issues over time. Nuts also have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the chances of a heart attack or stroke.

A healthy diet is essential to help you lose weight. But you also need to exercise daily to shed those extra pounds.

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