8 Things He Does That Show He Is In Love With You

8 Things He Does That Show He Is In Love With You

We’ve all heard the saying “women are from Venus and men are from Mars,” well there may be some truth behind that. Men and women are different in many aspects, which include the way they both show their affection.

Many women find it difficult to tell if the man they’re dating truly loves them or if he is just having some fun before he eventually vanishes.

So how can a woman tell if her man is really in love with her? Continue to read and you’ll find out!

He Enjoys Being With Your Family: This is perhaps the most dreaded part for either partner. You can never tell when the situation might get awkward or uncomfortable. Chances are the discomfort begins the moment you shake hands.

He Enjoys Being With Your Family MonkeyBusinessImages/shutterstock.com

So if the guy wants to spend time with your family and does not fidget or complain his way through each time you both are spending time with your family, he’s something to hold on to. This shows that he wants to be close to everyone around you and takes the relationship with you seriously.

He Enjoys Being With Your Family DGLimages/shutterstock.com

He Doesn’t Shy Away from Asking for Fashion Advice: It’s no secret, men do not like asking for advice on the clothes they wear. Actually, they don’t like asking for advice regarding anything. So if he asks you for advice, it means he trusts you and wants to look his best for you.

He Doesn’t Shy Away from Asking for Fashion Advice KasparsGrinvalds/shutterstock.com

A friendly hint: try not to make him feel uncomfortable by dressing him in some adventurous styles. Keep it simple and the way you like him the most.

He Doesn’t Shy Away from Asking for Fashion Advice Pressmaster/shutterstock.com

He Likes Running Errands With You: Not everything we do in life is interesting, there are some boring and uneventful things that need to be done from time to time. Whether it’s waiting in lines, going shopping or going to the bank.

He Likes Running Errands With You PageLightStudios/shutterstock.com

If he takes interest in joining you, it’s not because he enjoys doing these sorts of things, it’s because he enjoys playing house and wants to spend as much time with you as he can.

He Likes Running Errands With You Atelier211/shutterstock.com

He Cooks for You: He doesn’t have to be the best cook, but after a long day at work, sometimes it’s nice to sit back with a glass of wine while he dines for you.

He Cooks for You NikolaevMikhail/shutterstock.com

You should be aware that even if a man knows how to cook, he will never cook for himself. So if he does it for you, you better be damn sure that he’s going to make it special.

He Cooks for You MarianWeyo/shutterstock.com

He Offers to Fix Things Around the House: If he wants/tries to fix things around the house, he is trying to show you that he will be a worthy husband.

He Offers to Fix Things Around the House kurhan/shutterstock.com

He won’t mind doing anything from a simple task like changing a light bulb or the air filter, to something complex like fixing the plumbing.

shutterstock_81322711 Phovoir/shutterstock.com

He Plans Special Dates or Trips: Unlike women, men do not plan things ahead of time; they’re more of a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment type. They know that it’s not something that will always satisfy their partner.

He Plans Special Dates or Trips JacobLund

Because they realize this, they take special steps to plan trips and moments so their partner can feel like they’re the only ones in the world for them.

He Plans Special Dates or Trips Myronovych/shutterstock.com

He Listens and Remembers Details of Your Stories: There are some stories that we just don’t want to hear. There are certain times that the stories are so irrelevant that we simply just nod and forget everything that was just said.

He Listens and Remembers Details of Your Stories AntonioGuillem/shutterstock.com

If the man listens to your stories and remembers active details about your friends and family, he truly does care about you. He knows that he is the person that you can come talk to about anything and he wants to know everything about you so he can become closer.

He Listens and Remembers Details of Your Stories Pressmaster/shutterstock.com

He Makes Sacrifices: We all have to make sacrifices in a relationship. But if he makes sacrifices that you didn’t ask him to do, you truly know that he wants to be with you for the rest of his life.

He Makes Sacrifices DGLimages/shutterstock.com

One of the biggest sacrifices is splitting his time between you and his friends. He might be used to going out for drinks with the boys every other night, but if he realizes those priorities have to change, he’s a keeper.

He Makes Sacrifices DaxiaoProductions/shutterstock.com

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