8 Short Stories About True Love

Love is something truly complex that cannot be precisely defined or described. It is a special feeling shared between two people, a feeling that is evident, however, a feeling that is difficult to grasp and completely explain. Love can be felt and shown in many different ways; towards friends, family, or an individual that you’ve developed genuine affection and connection with. Regardless, it is a sensitive matter, and one of the more intricate feelings that humans experience.

When it comes to relationships, the true love that you share is distinctly your own, and cannot be measured or compared to that of anyone else’s. Each relationship is unique, and shouldn’t be held to a standard or norm. Each couple and individual expresses themselves in their own way, ways that bind the two together, and help shape the love that you share.

We hear a lot of stories about love, some that can be worrisome, and some that restore our faith and hope in humanity. There have been many couples that have come and gone, but the ones who last, are the ones who have gone above and beyond to secure their bond and relationship. We see evidence of this from our parents, our friends, and couples all around us, who have made it last and conquered any obstacles that came their way. Today, we take a look at 8 short stories and examples that are sure to leave you optimistic and confident about the potential or current love of your own.

1. In our first story, we take a look at two individuals who met online, like a lot of modern-day couples have. The girl described the man as “funny, kind, and educated”, and “also very handsome”. They used Skype to keep in touch for several years, before coming to an understanding that they love each other. The man was afraid to meet, however, the woman insisted on it, and travelled thousands of miles abroad so they could finally see each other. Upon arrival, she realized that this man was disabled, and couldn’t walk. This didn’t change anything for her, and they went on to spend 3 months together, before ultimately getting engaged. “He is the best and he is perfect for me – my professor X!” This is an example of unconditional love, a love that wasn’t changed in any way based on distance or appearance. True love.

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2. This story involves a couple who, after the birth of their son, had to overcome an issue that the wife had started experiencing. Her vision was deteriorating, and although she had already been wearing glasses regularly, it started to get much worse. Her husband couldn’t stand to see her suffer, and took on a second job as well as additional online work, to save up enough money for corrective eye surgery. Sacrificing his time with his family, and his sleep, he finally made enough to cover the costs. After the procedure was successfully done, she returned home amazed at how clear her vision was again. Although it was a tough year to endure for the husband, this was all worth it for him, as he now has “a healthy son and a happy wife. They are the most important people in my life.” This is an example of sacrifice for your family and your loved one, taking care of their well-being, and ensuring they are happy.

3. This is a story about an older sibling who had gotten married, and an example of love that they witnessed. The husband of the sister was known to be a picky eater, and hard to please when it came to food. He would openly criticize her cooking, much like her ex-boyfriend would. Despite this, whenever she had prepared chicken liver, he always ate it with no complaints, claiming “he’d never tasted anything better”. To her surprise, it was revealed that he was, in fact, allergic to chicken liver, but he loved her that much, and never wanted to disappoint her. A true sign of sacrifice for the one you love, despite any factors.

 Short Stories About True LoveLittle Choices Matter

4. In this example of true love, it is told by someone who witnessed an elder woman and how one should be treated and loved. Upon helping her carry her shopping bags up a staircase in an underpass, the woman kindly thanked them and asked to be walked home. She had said she was in a rush, as her husband always waits outside to meet her when she returns. Upon arrival, a blind man was noticed walking with a cane outside of the elder woman’s house. This was her husband, and he approached them and took the heavy bags. That reminded the individual who helped her, of the many times that they were too lazy to go and meet their own girlfriend when she returned from the supermarket or train station. This is a wonderful example of how to stay dedicated and help out the one you love throughout your years together.

5. This is a story of a 19-year-old individual who lost his leg. He had been dating a girl at the time, and they were in love. She had ended up deciding to move abroad, with the hopes of going and earning money for the two of them. Despite the kind initiative, the boy had his doubts and felt as though she was lying. He had made the decision to split up, claiming it would be better for her. Just a month later, his doorbell rang, and much to his surprise, it was her. Before he could even speak, she slapped him, and he fell to the floor. She lay down beside him, hugged him, and said “You’re an idiot! I didn’t run away from you. We’re going to the hospital tomorrow and there’s a prosthesis waiting for you. I went abroad to earn money so you’ll be able to walk again — do you understand?” Overwhelmed with emotion, he was speechless and just cried while holding her tight. This is a true example of sticking with your partner no matter what, and devoting yourself to the betterment of their life.

6. In this story, we have a girl who had unfortunately been diagnosed with a brain tumour at the young age of 18. She thought that her death was imminent, and decided to let her boyfriend know that she would understand if he had left her. Immediately, he replied “Yeah, right, when pigs fly!” eventually, it was revealed that her tumour was benign, and she would be okay after all. Now, at 21, they have been married for 2 years, and have a daughter together. His support will never be forgotten at this difficult time, and this is an example of how despite the odds, they remained together and he stayed, and ultimately prevailed.

7. This is the story of a man who dated a beautiful, privileged girl, who he was able to support. He found her “easy-going and funny”, and ended up asking her to marry him. Just a few weeks later, he was involved in an accident that left him partially paralyzed. The girl who had apparently been spoiled, really surprised him at this time, taking care of him for several months and proving to be a loving, faithful partner. She even went ahead and sold her personal belongings, and learned to cook special meals for him. She refused to allow him to apologize for anything, and additionally never showed any doubt, disgust, or fear, despite anything. This is evidence of a love that remains strong regardless of what may happen down the line, and how your partner can pleasantly surprise you during challenging times.

8. In this example, we have the story of a man who is sterile. Having kept it from his first girlfriend due to the fear of her leaving, he decided to finally let her know, but it was too late. She had left like he thought she would. Experiencing depression for a year, he explored other relationships, which all led to nothing. However, half a year later, he had met a girl whom he’d fallen in love with but again was too afraid to inform her. Learning from the first time, he decided to be upfront and let her know, and to his surprise, she was fine with it and suggested they could adopt a child together in the future. Quickly becoming emotional, it was then and there that he knew he wanted to marry her. This is evidence that there is still hope even if someone else has let you down because there is always someone out there for everyone.

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