Fruits And Vegetables Looked Like This Before Humans Domesticated Them

Agriculture might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s definitely a topic we should all be a little more up to date on. For a lot of people, myself included, we just go to the grocery store, grab a head of broccoli and call it a day. A lot of us never really stop to consider what a head of broccoli looked like before humans came into contact with it, but it’s actually a rather interesting topic.

Fruits and vegetables have essentially been ‘domesticated,’ in a way similar to our pets. Human contact causes nature to change, adapt, and modify and the more we interact with something in nature, the more it changes.

The fruits and veggies we know and love today didn’t always look the way we know them to in modern day. In fact, even in the future, thanks to genetic modification, the fruits we know and love currently might change their shape too.

Fruits like bananas and watermelons, and vegetables like eggplants and carrots, have changed in looks thanks to centuries of domestication and agriculture. In the video, found on the next page, Business Insider goes into each vegetable, when they were first cultivated and the changes they’ve been through since coming into contact with humans over the span of centuries.

Fruits And Vegetables Looked Like This Before Humans Domesticated ThemBusiness Insider

It should also be noted that genetic modification is extremely important for the crops we grow and eat. Although the ‘health industry’ advertises for ‘Non-GMO’ on the regular, GMOs aren’t anything to fear. Without GMOs, we actually wouldn’t be able to eat a vast majority of the fruits and vegetables that we have.

To take it one step further, GMOs also allow us to grow crops in areas where they wouldn’t typically grow, which gives us better resources for feeding the world. GMOs, in general, are really nothing to fear and one day in the future, we may even become more heavily reliant on them than we already are. 

The video below also shows the importance of GMOs, as the domestication of fruits and vegetables should always be considered a type of genetic modification.  Watch the video below to learn more about how human contact genetically modified some of the most popular fruits and vegetables.

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