British Backpacker And Canadian Teacher Mysteriously Die in Cambodian Hostel

The last text message 22-year-old Natalie Seymour sent her mom was “I don’t feel well.”

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Reports have identified British backpacker Natalie Seymour from Bedfordshire and 27-year-old Abbey Gail Amisola from Winnipeg, Canada, as the two young women found dead in their hostel in Cambodia. According to the Sun, the duo had met while travelling and became friends. The two were reportedly staying at the Monkey Republic Guest House in Cambodia’s Kampot region when a staff member found them dead in their hostel bunks.

The women were suffering from food poisoning and allegedly bought some pills from a local pharmacy. Seymour’s mother Wendy Bowler told the Daily Mail that the hostel staff recommended they seek medical help but the women declined. “They decided to sleep it off but never woke up again,” she said.

This isn’t the first time that travellers have mysteriously passed away while visiting the Southeast Asian country. Two British men, aged 38 and 33, died last year from sudden “heart attacks” which were speculated to have been caused by a bad batch of drugs. A local in Kampot said over-the-counter medicines often include opiates, which are cheap in the notorious drug mecca. Online photos of the bunk the young women shared showed white pills scattered across the floor.

 Canadian Teacher Mysteriously Die in Cambodian HostelCambodian Expats

A spokesman for the hostel says they are devastated by the tragic deaths of the two women. “We’re respecting the privacy of the women’s families, who are in contact with the British and Canadian embassies,” they told Daily Mail.

According to The Sun, the manager at the Monkey Republic Guest House said they are all “deeply shocked and very sad for the families and friends of these two very nice women. This is now in the hands of the police.”

An official cause of death has yet to be released but an autopsy has been scheduled.

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