Abandoned City That Is 6 Times The Size Of NYC Is Pure Mystery

Abandoned City That Is 6 Times The Size Of NYC Is Pure Mystery

Eight years ago the previous rulers of Myanmar (the country formerly known as Burma) announced that the capital would be moving from Yangon to Naypyidaw. Yangon was a lively urban center. But Naypyidaw is more like a ghost town. Abandoned Cities are:

  • Intriguing
  • Mysterious
  • Eerie

The city of Naypyidaw, Burma is a very curious city. It is Burmese capital, but few people have heard of it and even fewer actually visited it. It is a multi-billion dollar, empty monstrosity located in the middle of the jungle.

Foreigners and workers don’t want to visit. let alone live in the abandoned city. Most people prefer to commute daily from the more lively city of Yangon.

An enormous amount of money was spent on the idea to house millions of people. Yet there are hardly any people living there, very few workers there, and the city looks to be almost vacant.

Abandoned City everydaynes.com

The streets are designed for lots of cars and people, but they are practically empty which is quite the mystery.

Abandoned City That Is 6 Times The Size Of NYCwww.casatv.ca

There are theories that under the city is a maze of underground tunnels built by technicians contracted from North Korea.

Residential Abandoned City everydaynes.com

One resident says ‘this city is mainly for government staff, government buildings… it’s not very interesting here. Most people are not that happy; they are just living here because they can earn money, because they can work here.’

This city is mainly for government staffeverydaynes.com

One strange site in Naypyidaw is the airport. There are a few workers at the brand new airport, but it is practically empty and has remained unused since it opened in 2011.

 strange site in Naypyidaw is the airporteverydaynes.com

It has been recorded that the city’s population is at 1 million, but most people believe this is an exaggeration.


There are some nice housing developments, but they are pretty much empty. You can see the roads are desolate as well. The exception to housing is for some civil servants that live there.


Naypyidaw was supposed to be a globally recognized tourist center with shops and restaurants, but that didn’t really happen. Instead there are odd tourist sites like the Flight Cafe, where a plane crashed and was turned into a restaurant.

Abandoned City That Is 6 Times The Size Of NYC Is Pure Mystery3otiko.blogspot.com

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