Mother of Two, 27, Who Thought She Was Pregnant Instead ‘Gave Birth’ To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing Her

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing HerBestie

In order for society to grow, events and discoveries need to be made. The unfortunate part of events and discoveries is that they can affect people in a negative way. Take cancer, for example, we have been searching for a cure for centuries, but have come up empty. During that process, we have come to learn about many different types of cancers and the unexpected events that include them.

Lauren Knowles is a prime example. The now mother of two beautiful children was forced to give birth to a cancerous tumour in a hospital toilet after she thought she was pregnant.

For more information on her story, keep reading.

Knowles, who is from Aberdeen, Scotland, though she was 7-weeks pregnant only to find out that her unborn child was actually a deadly disease. She was only 27 years old when she took a pregnancy test that read positive. But once the 7th week came around, she noticed that she was spotting, so she went and had a scan done.

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing HerCaters News Agency

The results from the scan indicated that she was suffering from a molar pregnancy, which is a cluster of cells that is called gestational trophoblastic disease.

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing HerCaters News Agency

So doctors acted quickly and removed the cancerous tissue and she began chemotherapy. Unfortunately after all that treatment, the tumour was still growing rapidly. But after long, gruelling stomach pains, Knowles finally gave birth to the cancerous mass after she felt a sudden urge to push.

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing HerCaters News Agency

Knowles is now 29 and says that she was extremely relieved once the tumour was out of her system because it meant that she was cancer-free. The tumour was the size of a pear!

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing Her MaksNarodenko/

Once the tumour was out of her body, she received some unfortunate news. Doctors had told her that she would have difficulties having a child in the future. Doctors are not always right, because 10 months, one year later, she had a beautiful girl named Indi.

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing HerCaters News Agency

Knowles admits it was a bizarre and confusing experience because she experienced all the symptoms and hormones that a woman would feel if she was pregnant. The pregnancy test was just the icing on the cake. It’s a good lesson for women to always keep note of anything unusual, especially if they’re pregnant. If Knowles had not noticed that she was spotting, there is no telling what could have occurred with a tumour.

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing Her Coffeemill/

Knowles added that she did experience spotting when she gave birth to her first child, so she didn’t feel particularly nervous. But it was the doctors who decided to do the scan just as a precaution and to make sure that the pregnancy was going smoothly.

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing Her Arcady/

Knowles also admitted that this experience ruined her pregnancy experience with Indi because she would keep thinking that it was a molar pregnancy. But once she went to the doctor and had her first scan, she couldn’t stop crying when she heard the baby’s heart. From this experience, Knowles wants to raise awareness about molar pregnancies, and wants to send a message to everyone that “what may seem impossible is still possible.”

She Was Pregnant Instead 'Gave Birth' To Cancerous Tumor That Was Killing Her GagliardiImages/

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