The Rock’s Presidential Campaign Has Been Filed For 2020, Here Are The Details

Would a strong celebrity who used to be a Professional Wrestler be a better fit to be the president of America than Donald Trump? Well, we might all be about to find out as Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s name has allegedly been filed for the 2020 presidency.

We’ve seen him take on all kinds of things on the big screen from earthquakes to mummies, but do you think he would be a good fit to run a country? According to some recent research, the official paperwork has been filed on The Rock’s behalf by a man in West Virginia named Kenton Tilford.  

Dwayne kind of showed his interest before when he played Obama during an SNL skit. In it, he stood at a podium that read ‘The Rock Johnson 2020.’ Do you think he could have been inspired by his own skit to run for president?

Some people are amused, others annoyed. Some don’t think a celebrity should be running the country. What started as an SNL joke is now becoming increasingly serious. Dwayne doesn’t usually discuss his views on politics, so one can only imagine what type of president he would be. Rumours of The Rock’s presidency have been floating around since 2016 when Alyssa Rosenberg of The Washington Post wrote an opinion piece that suggested that he would make a good candidate.

Rosenberg pointed out that Dwayne’s global popularity paired with his political record would make him a great candidate. The Rock actually responded to The Washington Post commenting that it was ‘interesting and fun to read’ as well as stressing the importance of ‘strong honest leadership.’

Rock's Presidential Campaign Has Been Filed For 2020twitter

I suppose he’s just considering going into politics at this point. ‘I can’t deny that the thought of being governor, the thought of being president, is alluring,’ he said in a recent statement. ‘And beyond that, it would be an opportunity to make a real impact on people’s lives on a global scale. But there are a lot of other things I want to do first.’  

Although some people might be amused by the idea of having The Rock as their president, others are less than impressed. One Twitter user wrote ‘have we not learned celebrities can not run the country?’ and another ‘Sure The Rock would make a better president than Trump, but so would an actual rock.’ I guess only time will tell the fate of America’s 2020 election.

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