Mother-Of-Two Gets Shamed For Breastfeeding, But She Fights Back Against Judgmental Bullies With This Post

Mother-Of-Two Gets Shamed For Breastfeeding

Public breastfeeding shouldn’t be controversial in 2017, but there are some who might think more conservatively about the topic. This has not stopped new mother Whitney Renee Huntwork, who received a great deal of public backlash over a photo she posted of herself breastfeeding in a supermarket.

Whitney Renee Huntwork has had enough of the breastfeeding shame and posed for this photo as a form of protest on behalf of all mothers out there who have hungry children.

The photo quickly went viral, getting well over 140,000 shares on Facebook alone. Whitney Renee Huntwork has made it a point to share her thoughts on Facebook and become an advocate for new moms everywhere.

The photo in question, shows Huntwork posing with her son in a grocery cart in the middle of the grocery store. Her face showcases confidence that inspires courage.

Mother-Of-Two Gets Shamed For BreastfeedingWhitney Renee Huntwork

Huntwork describes in a poem about her breastfeeding some of the challenges she faces feeding her children in public. The poem was written in tandem with the photograph.

Whitney Renee Huntwork is the mother of two children, raising them the best way she can.

Whitney’s Facebook has been filled with inspiration for mothers anywhere. She is never afraid to be herself and uses her social media platform as a canvas for her expression.

Here, Whitney Renee Huntwork posts a picture of herself unashamedly pregnant with her partner. The picture showcases her casually inspecting her baby bump, showing us the natural progression of childbirth.

Huntwork poses with both of her children at a birthday party. She is a proud mother who is proud of her children.

She continues to express her support for all mothers everywhere after her photo went viral. Now, she posts new photos on Facebook and expresses her support for each one of them.

Huntwork is proud to be a mother, and completely happy with showing people how natural breastfeeding is. In today’s society, she hopes to be a symbol of hope for any mother dealing with the challenges of public breastfeeding.

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