25 Things That Aren’t Quite What They Seem

5. RabDuck, RabDuck, alone in the world is a little RabDuck! “Listen, Charlie” you say, placing a hand on his shoulder and feeling it tense up “there are no hidden messages in Bestie articles. There are no such things as RabDucks and there is CERTAINLY no one trying to control your mind”. You smile gently at Charlie, who finally seems to relax. He sighs deeply and rubs his forehead: “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’ve spent way too much of my time and money trying to look for something that isn’t there. The world can be pretty intimidating sometimes and it would be nice for us if we could attribute some of the horrible things that happen to some shadowy, evil group, but the truth is the world is just chaotic and terrible. Maybe I should jus-”


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