26 Waiters And Waitresses Share The Most Embarrassing Dates They’ve Ever Served

“I used to wait in a pretty classy Italian restaurant. Great place for date nights.
So, nice looking couple comes in, late 20’s, for a two-top. I come over greet them, do my opening routine, charm etc. Everything starts off completely normal. They’re super nice and I’m just going about my evening working my tables.
I bring out their salads. They’re loving their wine and laughing having a great time. Take away their salads, they loved them complimented the choice blah blah.
Bring out the appetizer. Again, same thing. Everything is cool. This continues through the entree and after I take their dessert order.
I begin to bring out their desert, and suddenly I see the young lady crying her eyes out. At first I thought they had broken up, or he cheated. She excuses herself and runs off to the restroom.
I look at the gentleman and ask, “Is everything ok? Is there anything I can do?” Just trying to remedy the situation (and make it less awkward for me) in any way I can.
He looks at me, and goes “Ah no, it’s nothing. She … she was just talking about how her uncle molested her.” Why didn’t he lie?” (pm_me_ur_bubblebutts)


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