25 People Share A Baffling Occurrence They Finally Understood Years Later

4. “I had a goldfish that lived for years, and at one point (I must have been 4 or 5), started to turn blue. I just accepted what my parents told me, that that’s something that happens in a goldfish’s life, and never really questioned it.
Fast forward to my freshman year of high school. My biology teacher was talking about the lifecycle of a goldfish, and I raised my hand and asked when it turned blue. The teacher was like “What are you talking about?!” and I said, “You know what, I have no idea.”
I went home and asked my mom. Apparently, the fish that supposedly lived for years died about once a week and my parents just kept replacing it. At one point, beta fish were less expensive than goldfish, so they started getting the beta fish that were the most gold, and then eventually just said “screw it” and got blue ones. For years I thought that was just a part of the life of a goldfish.” (RecursionIsRecursion)


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