13 People Who Got It So Right And 12 More People Who Got It So Wrong

5. Not so foul ball. Peter takes another long time to look through his tome. You decide the best and only way for you to secure a good review is to schmooze the guy a little. “Why’d they do away with Saint?” you ask “I’ve always believed that the people who work hardest and are the most devout in life should be rewarded with a title in the afterlife. Don’t you agree?”. Peter purses his lips. “Everyone who is here deserves to be here. The title Saint gives people a false sense of enTITLEment” says Peter, chuckling softly at his own joke “No more questions please, thank you! Now, I’ve come across a moment where you gave a little girl the foul ball you caught at a baseball game”. What? That’s not how— “WAIT!” interrupts Peter “nevermind, the footage was backward.”


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