25 People Who Just Had To Show Their Evil Side

5. Macing the poor, kicking them a couple times and then shooting them. The tips of your fingers tap schemingly against each other as the morning is in full force. Across the street is a playground where children are hanging out before school. “Children, of course! This is perfect for me, Buster the child Crusher!” you say, referencing this entry and wondering if your slant rhyme is going to pass. Your nefarious eyes dart around rapidly until you come across a candy store. Quickly, you run in and buy as many skittles as your pitiful bank account will allow. Like a flash, you dart over to the playground and start throwing the candy into the air. Children cheer and grab the sweets, thanking you profusely. “Fools,” you think as you walk away “little do they know I have started them on the long and perilous journey to diabetes! Wah ha ho ha!”


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